
Showing posts from August, 2020

Hairstyling: a new career

  Hair have always been a major point for many of the people when it comes to judge one’s overall style, so nowadays people of every age make sure to keep their hair proper styled. Since we have stepped in an age where we like to picture everything and keep it as a memory by putting it on social media, terms like ‘hangout hairstyle’, ‘party hairstyle’, ‘college hairstyle’, and many more are common now. Lot of young people is choosing hairstyling as their career and are enrolling themselves in thousands every year in hairstyling academies . Even academies are coming up with new techniques and ways to teach their students and make them skilled in such creative fields. We are also witnessing no gender barriers in this sector which is not only overwhelming but also marking change and breaking stereotypes. Today we see more male helpers in salons than female.   We are all familiar with the ‘glamour region’ of our country ‘Mumbai’ and how it is a dream city for many dreamers. N...